Love At First Flight

Abrams Falls – Bristol, Va

Abrams Falls is located off Abrams Falls Rd in Bristol, Virginia. It is a 75 foot plunge waterfall located on private property. In order to hike here, you must request permission at this site.

This trail is approximately 0.75 miles each direction. It is extremely steep and narrow in certain locations. We have hiked this trail many times, and most recently with the babies on our backs.

I will not be taking them back any time soon. I feel like backpack carriers make me feel a little top-heavy, even with hiking poles. The erosion on this trail has made the path pretty narrow in a few spots. It made me a little nervous with babies in tow. Our 11 year old has hiked this trail with us and she even hiked it at 8 years old with no difficulty.

Directions to Abrams Falls can be found here. There is a small parking area for hikers. The trail begins on the left side of the creek. The property on the right is private and is clearly marked with multiple signs.

The trail is well- marked.

The owners request that visitors only use the trail that leads to the base of the falls. You will follow the trail up to the top of the ridge. Along the way, you will have to climb over, as well as under some fallen trees.

Once you reach the top of the ridge, you will then descend approximately 100 feet down a steep, rock hillside to the base of the falls. The owners ask that no one climb to the crest of the waterfalls. There have been many injuries and even deaths here due to the slippery, moss covered rocks.

This is a beautiful gem located here in our backyard of Bristol. If you choose to hike here, please request permission prior to going. Also, please #LeaveNoTrace and if you see any trash, please pick it up along the way.

If you are new to hiking, check out my Basic Necessities for a Day Hike post. I will also be adding a post about Hiking with Babies soon. I will update this post with the link as soon as it goes live.

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